Becoming a Witch

the witches path



March 31, 2024

Hey, my friend. So, you’re curious about stepping into the shoes, or should I say, the barefoot prints of a witch? It’s simpler and more beautiful than you might think. It’s like catching sunlight in your hands or talking to the moon as if she’s an old friend waiting just outside your window. This journey? It’s about seeing the magic in the small things and feeling that deep, warm glow inside you that says, “Yes, this is who I am.”

Seeing Magic in the Mundane

First off, becoming a witch starts with seeing the magic in everyday life. Imagine watching the sunset and realizing the sky is painting a masterpiece just for you, or finding a green shoot pushing through the concrete, showing that life finds a way. It’s about noticing these tiny miracles and feeling a connection to them.

Listening to the World’s Whisper

Then, there’s listening. Not just hearing, but really listening. It’s about catching the whispers of the world around you—the way the leaves rustle in a secret conversation with the wind or how the raindrops tap out coded messages on your window. It’s about finding the rhythm in these sounds and feeling part of something bigger.

Being True to You

And you know what? Being a witch is about being fiercely, wonderfully you. It’s about embracing every part of yourself—the bright and the dark. Like, if you’re feeling down or your heart is bursting with joy, that’s you, and that’s magic. Being a witch means standing in your truth, even when your knees shake.

Loving Hard and Wide

At its heart, this path is about love. Loving yourself, loving the earth, loving the hidden threads that connect us all. It’s like opening your arms wide and saying, “I’m here, and I’m part of this.” It’s about finding your tribe, your people, who get it, who get you.

So, how do you start? Listen, it’s easy. Take a walk and really see the world. Sit quietly and listen to your own breath, the best conversation you’ll ever have. Write down your dreams, your fears, and watch them transform into your strength. And love, love like it’s the only thing that matters—because, in many ways, it is.

Becoming a witch? It’s not all about spells and potions; it’s about finding the magic that’s always been inside you, waiting to be recognized. It’s about knowing that every little thing is a bit of magic waiting to be seen. And guess what? You’re already on your way. Just by being here, asking, wondering, you’re stepping into a world where every day is a bit of a miracle.

So, let’s walk this path together, finding the extraordinary in the ordinary, and remember, I’m right here with you, every step of the way.

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